Wednesday, October 12, 2005

Cool Kids teaching the Dad a thing or three

My children are some of the coolest people I know. Their minds are so full of imagination and life. It's a pleasure to see them set up lemonade stands, plays and their own carnivals. When you see a child's imagination in action, the innocence, fun and joy is probably one of the brightest evidence' of God breathing his spirit into man. No wonder Jesus said to his disciples "...suffer the little children to come unto me." and "Whosoever therefore shall humble himself as this little child, the same is greatest in the kingdom of heaven"

So, I have to learn to think like a child, and had a good example of this a week or two ago. I'm one of those people who think garages were made for putting cars in. It's almost a religious fervor with me. It's funny because it's largely due to my lack of desire to sweep Michigan winter snow & ice off of my vehicles.

However, my children introduced some magic to my garage, that to me, changes how I will ever look at my garage again. After my daughter's birthday, they turned it into an art studio and gallery. They stood up canvases and poster paper and painted, drew and markered their little hearts away. Every color and paper size you could imagine graced the garage floor and walls and tables throughout. My three children turned themselves into an art team with an energy, joy and childlike creativity that surpassed the greatest artists history has ever known.

In the course of their creation's of beauty, their father learned an important lesson that humbles him. A simple garage for keeping snow and weather off of a few cars could be transformed into a palacial studio of art and creativity at the whim of his children's imagination. I hope in my lifetime, I learn again to touch but a bit of that imagination.

To be willing to take the simplest of things, of people and of dreams; and apply a bit of imagination and creativity and make an art studio from a garage or a fort from a pile of leaves or a palace from a tree fort in my life.

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