Monday, September 15, 2008

What to vote?

I've had a few people ask me over the past few days, how was I going to vote? Is there this policy that you are for, or this one that you're against? Because elections are coming up, these questions are on the forefront of a lot of people's minds.

Well, I read something the other day which struck a cord with me, because it is how I do vote. I vote with my core values, biblical values too. So, my vote, like many others is based on the values of Life, Freedom and the fear (respect and reverence of, not the quaking in my boots type) of God.

I have to say that, "values voting" as some like to call it when they don't want to talk about people having a core set of beliefs that is balanced with the truth of God's Word, will turn this nation around.

So, I agree, when I hear people asking why we are talking about Change of this or that. Sorry, but in recent years we've seen what both of our major political parties are capable of in finances and in the midst of war. No party is able to prevent the massive destruction of a hurricane or keep wars and rumors of wars from happening around the world. No party is able to stop the enormous financial drains that these things can put on a country.

But, if that leader has the values, the core set of morals that lead to the right direction, I believe we can weather the storms together, if we remember that we are "...One nation, Under God..."

I think Twila Paris did a much better job addressing this on her site, if you want to read what she had to say, you can find it here....

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