Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Is faith real & who has it? Part 2

As my wife posted in her blog, yesterday was kind of a crazy day here yesterday. It was one of those days that just hiccup in. I was silly and thought I'd paid enough the previous Wednesday to keep the shutoff at bay for the short-term, and unfortunately, found out the fun way I was wrong. As we struggle, trying to change how our business works, to reset and adjust for my bodies current shortcomings, God keeps providing.

Sometimes when that stuff happens, when you feel your weakest, is when you almost give in. But you don't have to. This is where I learn how much I still have to grow. As it was growing colder and batteries were dieing on UPS's for the router and computer equipment, I almost sent my wife a text message, saying that I wished God would hurry up and heal me, so I could provide and go work my butt off for my family. Before I hit send, is when that still small voice came up. A thought, a remembrance of a Bible verse, a quiet calm. "My grace is sufficient for you." and "I shall provide all your needs..."

With cold, gray November daylight coming through the blinds, I stood there, humbled and loved, yet again. Tears streamed down my face as I asked my Heavenly Father for His forgiveness and then thanked Him for the provision that He has been showering on our family. I backspaced over the intended text and sent instead "I thank God for His help with it (our situation) or this would have been a lot sooner!"

The reality is, we don't always see Him working behind the scenes. God was preparing for that moment, and in the last 45 minutes of battery life, multiple people stepped forward and asked to help.

So faith isn't this complicated, technical thing. Sometimes it's just a simple believing for God to provide, to believe that He is the author and the finisher of our faith. And then being thankful and accepting, when He does.

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